I showed this at the annual meeting of the swiss user group in June 2019 and promptly forgot to post it for everyone to see. Let’s blame the scenery?

Have a raster.
-> Create Grid
, covering it with points in a spacing of your choice. Use the same CRS as your raster (unless you want to figure out expression-based geometry transformations on your own, like in my elevation lines code)
Change the Symbol layer type
to Geometry Generator
and enter
with_variable( 'radius', 3333, buffer($geometry, @radius, 16) )
where radius should be a value about one third of your spacing.
You should see circles!
For the fill color use this expression and adjust the name of your raster layer:
with_variable( 'raster_layer', 'DHM200.xyz', ramp_color('Blues', -- change to an other named ramp here if you like scale_linear( raster_value( @raster_layer, 1, centroid($geometry) -- back to our point ), raster_statistic( @raster_layer, 1, 'min' ), raster_statistic( @raster_layer, 1, 'max' ), 0, 1 -- new scale as color ramps go 0 to 1 ) ) )
This will get the raster value below our grid point and fit it onto a color ramp between the min and max of all the raster values.
For the stroke use the same expression but wrap darker(..., 150)
around it so you get a darker color.
Using Draw Effects
add a small Drop Shadow
to your circles. I used an offset of 0.5 mm and a blur radius of 1 mm.
Now add another Geometry Generator
symbol layer below your existing one and use the following expression:
bounds(buffer($geometry, 5000))
with_variable( 'radius', 5000, bounds( buffer($geometry, @radius) ) )
with the radius being half your grid spacing.
Use the same expressions for the colors as above but set the darker
value to 200
For some more fanciness maybe add a “QGIS” text on top of the nupsies?
Exercise: Make it so that the result perfectly covers the raster, instead of being one grid cell off like mine.