The other day I was working on visualisation of some intermediate research stuff and ended up with something looking like a bouquet of flowers.
Twitter liked it so here is a how-to.
- Have some lines that meet in a shared point. They should have a shared ID per group (in my case they were MultiLineStrings).
- Color them per ID.
- Turn the background black.
- Use an Arrow style for the lines. Set the Head thickness to half the Arrow width. Set the Head length to whatever you consider fancy.
- Remove the Outline (set No Pen).
- Set the Feature blending mode to Multiply (or to Screen or Dodge or Addition if you prefer fireworks to flowers).
- Set an appropriate color scheme. For flowers I think RdYlGn works great (that’s how I realised what my random tinkering had lead to) or PiYg or simply Spectral, for fireworks random colors.
That’s it! Now play around and have some fun!