I saw a #quiztime on Twitter and it looked like a perfect geospatial puzzle so I had to give it a try: https://twitter.com/Sector035/status/987631780147679233
So we have something called “Lidl” which I know is a supermarket. And we have something else, with a potential name ending in “nden”. And that’s it.
If you have a global OSM database, this would be a simple query away. If you don’t have a global OSM database, the Overpass API let’s you query one. And overpass turbo can make it fun (not in this case though, I had a lot of trial and error until I found these nice examples in the Wiki).
I ended up looking for things within 50 meters to a Lidl named “-nden”
[out:json][timeout:180][maxsize:2000000000]; {{radius=50}} node[name="Lidl"]->.lidls; ( way(around.lidls:{{radius}})["name"~".*nden$"]; node(around.lidls:{{radius}})["name"~".*nden$"]; ); (._;>;); // whatever?
- Two parking spaces in Germany named "Lidl-Kunden". Not it.
- Some farmland in Baden-Württemberg named "Gründen". Not it.
- In the west Nethernlands a
landuse=commercial; name=Winkelcentrum Rietlanden
! A shopping mall! That looks promising! - And in Amsterdam a
name=Sportshop van Swinden; shop=sports
Too far away from the Lidl.
But driving around the place in Google StreetView I could not find the spot and it does not look very much like the photo.
So I guess my query is fine but either the "thing" or the Lidl are not in OSM yet.
Oh well, I did learn something new (about Overpass) and it was fun. :)