Category Archives: funny

Remotely controlling QGIS through PostgreSQL queries 🤪

I just wanted to see if it was possible, it is not a sane thing to do.

PostgreSQL has a notification event system where you NOTIFY on a notification channel and clients can LISTEN for events.

QGIS already supports this for a convenient, remotely triggered refresh function of PostGIS layers by listening on the qgis channel if a PostgreSQL connection exists:

  • Load a PostGIS layer
  • Set its symbology to something dynamically randomized so you see changes if the map is refreshed
  • In the layer’s rendering options set it to refresh on notification
  • In a PostgreSQL client trigger a notification event, e.g. NOTIFY qgis, 'hi'; or SELECT pg_notify('qgis', 'refresh plz!');
  • The layer is refreshed in QGIS
  • You can set the layer(s) to refresh on any event on the qgis channel or only for specific messages. For example you could set each PostGIS layer to refresh on a different message, e.g. their table name and use that in a PostgreSQL trigger.

This is currently bound to existing PostGIS layers and as far as I know, you cannot do more than refresh layers. Edit: You can also trigger layer actions (thanks to the great people at Oslandia)!


QGIS comes with PyQt and PyQt (of course) has its own API to let you talk to database servers. And luckily its QSqlDriver class even has a notification signal that let’s you react to notification events in the most convenient way.

So I wrote something:

from qgis.PyQt.QtSql import QSqlDatabase, QSqlQuery, QSqlDriver

def exec_notification(name, source, payload):
    """ZOMG don't ever do this!"""
        exec(payload.replace('\\n', '\n'))
    except SyntaxError as e:
        iface.messageBar().pushMessage("PG NOTIFY", str(e))

db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QPSQL")
db.setConnectOptions("service=foo")  # using ~/.pg_service.conf
if not
    raise Exception(db.lastError().databaseText())

    str, QSqlDriver.NotificationSource, "QVariant"

Run it in QGIS’ script editor and now you can remotely execute any Python code by sending it from PostgreSQL. For example:

SELECT pg_notify(
			'project = QgsProject.instance()',

SELECT pg_notify(

SELECT pg_notify(

Of course this is a horrible idea and you should never run code that a third-party sends to you. Instead you should write specific methods on the Python side and sent well defined messages to control exactly which methods get executed. But, hey it works!


  • Trigger a notification if a PostgreSQL-stored QGIS project gets updated and in QGIS notify the user if they have said project open.
  • Make a tiny plugin that lets the user specify a mapping of message -> Python code scripts
  • TBC


At first I had used a simple db.driver().notification.connect(on_notification), expecting the slot to simply receive all the arguments that the notification signal would send. But this led to Qt using a different notification signal (just sending the channel name) or something because the name is overloaded. Qt super explainer eyllanesc once again saved the day by showing that one can (and in this case needs to) specify the correct signature so Qt picks the correct signal to connect to. This was a major learning for me.

For debugging I used another slot function connected to the signal which uses both the QGIS message log and the message bar to inform the user about incoming notification events, take it if you want:

def on_notification(name, source, payload):
    message = f"{name} from {source}: {payload}"
    QgsMessageLog.logMessage(message, "PG NOTIFY")
    iface.messageBar().pushMessage("PG NOTIFY", message)

A bad surprise to me was that my QGIS installation on Ubuntu 22.04 (using did not have a dependency graph that included PostgreSQL support in QtSql. Ouch! I would have thought this would be usable in any standard QGIS installation out of the box. I had to install libqt5sql5-psql. On Windows this seems to be no issue, both a MSI installer and an advanced OSGeo4W install had the necessary modules. Phew!

Properly setting up your QGIS license

If you want your copy of QGIS display it’s legal licensing status, this is the missing code for you.

Copy this in your QGIS Python script editor (WARNING: DO NOT RUN THIS IN AN IMPORTANT USER PROFILE, I will NOT help you if it breaks something):

import os
from qgis.core import QgsApplication, QgsSettings
from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QColor, QImage, QPainter, QPen, QStaticText
from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QMessageBox

def install_qgis_license():
    # WARNING: This fucks around with your profiles and stuff!
    # QgsCustomization is not available from Python so just yolo here and write a fresh file if possible
    profile_directory = QgsApplication.qgisSettingsDirPath()
    customization_ini_filepath = profile_directory + "QGIS/QGISCUSTOMIZATION3.ini"

    if os.path.isfile(customization_ini_filepath):
        # ain't gonna be touchin dat!
        text = (
            "Or: Custom license has been installed already...\n"
            "Anyways, we are not creating a *new* license now ;)"
        messagebox = QMessageBox()

    # get existing splash image
    splash_path = QgsApplication.splashPath()  # :/images/splash/
    splash_image_file = splash_path + "splash.png"
    splash_image = QImage(splash_image_file)

    # paint new splash image
    new_splash_image = QImage(splash_image)
    painter = QPainter()

    # white bold font plz
    font = QgsApplication.font()
    pen = painter.pen()

    # place text at appropriate location
    label_text = f"This QGIS©®™ is legally licensed to {os.getlogin()}"
    label_text_rect = painter.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, label_text)  # returns new rect that fits text
    left_offset = new_splash_image.width() - label_text_rect.size().width() - 20
    painter.drawText(left_offset, 840, label_text)


    # create license dir if necessary
    new_splash_dir_path = profile_directory + "license"
    except FileExistsError:

    save_success = + "/splash.png")
    if save_success:
        print(f"Initialized new QGIS license....")
        print("Error on QGIS license initialization, this will get reported!")

    # enable license dir for splash image lookup in QGISCUSTOMIZATION3.ini
    with open(customization_ini_filepath, "w") as sink:
        sink.write(f"splashpath={new_splash_dir_path}/")  # must have trailing slash

    # enable loading of QGISCUSTOMIZATION3.ini in user profile
    QgsSettings().setValue(r"UI/Customization/enabled", True)
    print("License installed, reboot QGIS to activate!")
    messagebox = QMessageBox()
    messagebox.setText("License installed, restart QGIS now to activate!");


Then (if you really want to do it), uncomment the function call in the last line and execute the script. Follow the instructions.

To clean up remove or restore the QGIS/QGISCUSTOMIZATION3.ini file in your profile and remove the license directory from your profile, restore the previous value of UI/Customization/enabled in your profile (just remove the line or disable Settings -> Interface Customization).

If you want to hate yourself in the future, put it in a file called in QStandardPaths.standardLocations(QStandardPaths.AppDataLocation) aka the directory which contains the profiles directory itself.

BTW: If you end up with QGIS crashing and lines like these in the error output:

Warning: QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted
QGIS died on signal 11

It is probably not a Qt issue that caused the crash. The QPaintDevice warning might just be Qt telling you about your painter being an issue during clean up of the actual crash (which might just be a wrong name or indentation somewhere in your code, cough).

Welcome to #GISmaster

“Social media” was a mistake so I am bringing over some nice things I had posted on Twitter to this blog.

I love Taskmaster and … well:

  • Bring the most surprising sidecar file.
  • Recreate a OSGeo project’s logo using these materials, best recreation wins.
  • Trigger error 99999 as many times as you can. Most different reasons wins.
  • Bring the best value to find in a date column.
  • Georeference this monochrome scan of a hand-drawn 1910 map, most accurate wins.
  • Draw a world map. Most area conformal map wins.
  • Name as many QGIS releases as you can, most release names wins.
  • Bring the best typeface for a remote village.
  • Invent a new Shapefile sidecar file. Most useful sidecar file wins.
  • Make the most beautiful choropleth map. You have 5 minutes to name your data sources then 15 minutes to make your map.
  • Bring the most disturbing data preparation story.
  • Demonstrate a standard GIS operation as interpretative dance.
  • Get a social media leech to repost a map of yours without credit. Most retweets wins.
  • Bring the worst communal geo data portal.
  • Create the coolest hex grid map from this dataset of beehives.
  • Spell/pronounce GDAL’s main developer’s name correctly.
  • Imitate Ian Turton when a demanding user calls him on his private number for GeoServer support.
  • Bring a sane GML file.
  • Write a standard-compliant CityGML parser.
  • Design the most beautiful north arrow.
  • Choose an angle. (…) (…) Design a tube map only using lines at the angle you chose earlier.

Kate contributed “Determine what a Shapefile projection should be without a .prj file or metadata” :D

Previously at